02036332779 info@muslimhelp.org

Emergency Appeal for Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Rohingya and Syria

water truck

Water Truck

The truck contains 6000 litres of fresh water which is distributed to villages in the desert areas. The truck is filled with water and then driven approx. 100 to 150 kilometres. This assists nearly 20 families in Yemen, Gaza and Somalia which is commonly known for droughts.

Without clean water in these areas, it causes many waterborne diseases such as diarrhoea, cholera and measles. As it is well known, these diseases can be fatal without being hydrated and well nourished. We have supplied numerous trucks and helped hundreds of families who are in desperate need of clean water. We urge you to carry on supporting us in this life saving project.

£100 – WATER TRUCK (6000 LITRES)


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