We believe that prevention is better than cure, however there are certain situations where all we can do is make peoples’ lives easier. We therefore distribute wheelchairs to those who find it difficult to walk, those who are injured as well as the elderly. Wheelchairs provide increased mobility and independence for the less able allowing them to take part in everyday activity without the need of others. It also helps them carry out daily needs with ease as well as supporting them socially and mentally.
We also run a sponsorship program for a disabled where you can sponsor a Disabled for the whole year which will provide shelter and other day to day needs. In addition to this, you can also build a home for them for just £500. Have a look below and empower the disabled by donating now!
Muslim Help UK have already distributed food packs and water supply in Gaza Strip and are continuing to do so with our team on the ground. We need your generous support for our brothers and sisters in Pales- tine so we can be there at the most difficult time.