Zakat is an obligatory payment for Muslims that must be made every lunar year if they meet the Nisab amount. This is the third pillar of Islam and translates from Arabic as ‘that which purifies’.
Zakat is a compulsory act of worship that requires Muslims who own wealth at or over a certain threshold (Nisab) to donate a portion of their qualifying wealth, typically 2.5%, to eligible recipients. it is a right the poor have over the rich. The Nisab set by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) at a rate equivalent to 87.48 grams of Gold and 612.36 grams of silver. Linguistically, Zakat carries the meanings of purification and growth.
Abu Hurayrah (May Allah be pleased with him), of the companions of Prophet Muhammad, reports: Allah’s Messenger (Saw) said, “Whoever is made wealthy by Allah and does not pay the Zakat of his wealth, then on the Day of Resurrection his wealth will be made like a bald-headed poisonous male snake with two black spots over the eyes. The snake will encircle his neck and bite his cheeks and say, ‘I am your wealth, I am your treasure.’ “Then the Prophet recited the verses: — ‘Let not those who withhold…’ (to the end of the verse). (3.180). (Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī)
The significance of this pillar is such that in the Quran it is mentioned 28 times in conjunction with the observation of Salat, the obligatory prayer. It is clear from Qur’an and Sunnah that if an individual possesses wealth and meets the Nisab amount, they must pay Zakat.
The Holy Qur’an (9:60) specifies eight categories for the distribution of Zakat:
- The poor
- The needy
- Zakat collectors
- Those who have converted to Islam and are in need
- Those in slavery
- Those in debt
- In the way of Allah
- The traveller
Your Zakat year starts on the date your wealth first equalled or exceeded the Nisab amount. Zakat is then payable after one full year has passed and every year thereafter on that specific date. If you cannot remember the date you first became owner of the wealth, then the date should be estimated. If this is not possible then a random date should be selected and adhered to. Paying Zakat in Ramadan is not necessary although giving charity in this month yields greater rewards.
We understand that Zakat can only be given to certain individuals hence we make sure that the full amount of your Zakat is given to the right people and to those who are in extreme need.
Sadaqat-al Fitr is a duty payable on the occasion of Eid-ul Fitr and is required of every Muslim, whether male or female, minor or adult, as long as he/she has the means to pay. The head of the household may pay the required amount for the other members. Consult your local mosque for the recommended amount to pay per head.
Sadaqah is a voluntary charity which can be performed at any time of year, and any amount can be given. Unlike Zakat which cannot be given to any cause, Sadaqah can be used for any project or programme which is of benefit to people.
We can assure you that Muslim Help UK is a non-profit charity, and all your donations go directly towards helping the poor. With your donations we have many ongoing projects which is benefitting thousands of people across the world. We hope that with your continued support these projects will benefit others for many years to come and in return it shall count as Sadaqah Jariya for you and us.