MH Centre

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By the grace of Allah, Muslim Help UK has taken a great initiative to build a huge multi-purpose centre on a large 300 decimal land (3 acre) for the most needy and vulnerable people in Bangladesh.

MH centre will provide a variety of facilities to people such as education and shelter for Orphans, Health care support for those who cannot afford treatment, Emergency Aid to whom are most affected amongst many other facilities.

Alhamdulillah, through your kind support and co-operation, Muslim Help UK has completed many projects in the last few years, now we are hoping to establish a first major charitable organisation for a Multipurpose cause in the rural area of Sylhet, the initial stage to stand side-by-side with the helpless people.

Later, the initiative will be taken to create its branches in each division, it requires your help, support and co-operation to succeed in our endeavours, being part of this large Muslim Help Multipurpose Centre, we are requesting you to be a Founder Life member by donating 1000 pounds in whoever’s name you wish.

£1000 (Monthly £84 for 12 months or £25 for 40 months) – Become a Founder Life Member for MH centre in whoever’s name you wish. The name will be engraved on the Minaret at the front of the entrance. All your donation will go directly towards the cost of building and running the centre.

Maternity Hospital

Why are we building a maternity hospital?
Our belief is that prevention is better than cure, hence we have made the decision to build a hospital where the first aim will be to provide the best healthcare which prevents illnesses and death.

There is no doubt that during the time of childbirth, it is one of the most difficult times for the mother and child. Our aim is to provide our sisters with the best care and support at this challenging time which unfortunately in the poorer countries they do not receive.

How many fatalities every year in Bangladesh?
Maternal death rate is still very high in Bangladesh compared to other countries. Every year, approximately 10000 women lose their lives due to various pregnancy and childbirth related causes. Unfortunately, these are only the deaths which have been registered, as we know, in remote villages the figure will be significantly more with many deaths unaccounted for.

How many private maternity hospitals in Bangladesh?
Maternity hospitals in Bangladesh especially in the city of Sylhet are very few with limited services provided. We aspire to build the hospital in an area which will provide for the poorest and deprived of people.

What services will the maternity hospital provide once it is fully complete?
– Medical check-ups and scans
– Antenatal care before and after delivery
– Qualified nurse at the time of delivery
– Hygiene packs
– Medication if required
– Clinical support if required

How will it benefit the poor?
Excellent maternity support has become common in the well developed nations, however in the poorer countries this cannot even be imagined. With our effort and your continuous support, we wish to make a start at changing this and bring excellent maternal care to the poor and those most in need.

How will the hospital be run?
We will ensure that the hospital has fully qualified staff who can provide the highest level of service to our patients. The hospital will include fully trained medical nurses as well as experienced doctors to make sure that excellent healthcare is always a priority.

What services will the hospital provide in the initial stages?
Until the hospital is fully built with all the staff in place, we will provide various facilities in the initial stages. This includes free medical check-ups from a qualified Doctor as well as free medication for the most in need.

Funding for the hospital and why donate towards this cause?
Quite frankly, our aim to build the maternity hospital would not be possible without your continuous support and the efforts of our volunteers. Together we can make a real difference. As you would have read above about the sad reality that our sisters are faced with at the time of maternity, which in turn causes serious complications, illnesses as well as death. Donating towards this cause will, with the help of Allah save lives and ultimately what can be more rewarding than saving a life?

Founder life member for our hospital?
As the work for the hospital is underway, we urge people to come forward and become a founder life member by donating £1000. The amount can be given in one go or spread over monthly. Anyone who becomes a founder life member with us, will receive regular updates in relation to the work that is being carried out as well as your name or whoever’s name you wish, will be engraved on a minaret at the front of the entrance.

We are registered charity in Bangladesh (S-12641)


The Hifz Academy will have its own building within the MH Centre and will provide Hifz sponsorship programmes for 3 years. Stu-dents who wish to study will remain at our centre and receive all the facilities needed for Hifz classes.

Course description:
• Daily Quran and Tajweed classes
• Fully qualified Teacher
• Accommodation
• Uniform and books
• Food

Why donate towards the Hifz programme?
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) says,“The best amongst you is the one who learns the Qur’an and teaches it” (Bukhari)
We believe that every letter of the Qur’an read by your spon-sored child will count as a Sadaqah Jariyah for you. You will have all the details of the child and an update every 6 months.

Cost of sponsorship,
£720a year (£20 Monthly)


The children admitted to our Orphan centre will be those who are without a Father or Mother or in most cases without both parents. This will be verified via references to make sure that the children who are most in need are receiving our support.

A. Education support – Children will be taught the national curriculum subjects as well as Arabic and Hifz.
B. Shelter – We will build an orphan centre for children who are without a roof over their head. They will live and sleep in our shared accommodation.
C. Food – All meals will be served in our canteen making sure that no child remains hungry.
D. Clothing – School uniform as well as day to day clothing will be distributed to every child.
E. Healthcare – Any child needing health check-ups or medicine will be provided with these from our own Healthcare clinic.

Donation – £300 a year or £25 a month will not only give these Orphans shelter but all the above which every child should have.


It is a noble cause for charity support elderly, disabled and mental people around the Bangladesh. Firstly, we will provide health care, education and advice for our most needy. When Centre will be completed then we will provide full shelters, health care and medical services for those who has not got any support InshaAllah.


This centre will be designed to provide various Medical needs such as Maternity support, free medical check ups as well as oth-er assistance when needed. We will make sure that the centre will only be for people who are in urgent need and cannot afford such treatment.

What we provide?
• Free Medical check ups
• Free Medication
• Cancer Support
• Emergency Assistance
• Disability, Mental and Elderly Aid
• Eye Surgery
• Circumcision clinic


We will provide best education for every orphans and other students in education centre. It will be school curriculum system and we will try to build better foundation for every child InshaAllah. We will teach Islamic education by Quran academy separately.


Our first one of the project was circumcision for the poor boy’s rural area in Sylhet. MashaAllah we have completed many circumcision’s projects in different area last few years and we have done 2200 circumcision for boys inshaAllah.


Call- 02036332779
Text- 07739754388

Bank Account Details:
Name- Muslim Help
Bank- Lloyds Bank
Sort Code- 30.13.54
Account No- 56847068

Postal Address:
Muslim Help UK
Po Box 1046


Social contact: